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UK Parliament’s Youth Select Committee
Working with a team of twelve young people from across the UK, we will work with the House of Commons and The British Youth Council to explore the impact of the cost of living crisis on young people's health and wellbeing.
In October 2023, we will host sessions in the UK Parliament to hear directly from young people and expert witnesses to hear their lived experience with the cost of living , and ensure that youth voice is finally heard on this topic. Our committee hearings will be live broadcasted on BBC Parliament.
After this process, we will write and present a report with recommendation to the UK government , which they will legally have to respond to within 3 months.

Youth MP
UK Youth Parliament
The UK Youth Parliament is a youth organisation in the United Kingdom, consisting of democratically elected members aged between 11 and 18. The parliament has 369 members, who are elected to represent the views of young people in their area to government and service providers. Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs) are elected every two years across the UK.
Once elected Members of Youth Parliament meet with MPs and local councillors, organise events, run campaigns, make speeches, hold debates, and ensure the views of young people are listened to by decision makers.
The most important aspect of any Members of Youth Parliament’s job is to make sure they represent the views of the young people in their constituency. Any Member of Youth Parliament can set up a campaign, and any young person can support it and make a difference.

The Food Foundation / Children's Right2Food
The Food Foundation's Children's Right2Food campaign is a nationwide initiative to ensure every child in the UK can access and afford good food. Led by a team of Young Food Ambassadors across the UK, the campaign calls for government action to tackle children’s food insecurity and childhood obesity caused by inequalities.
We delivered the Children's Right2Food Charter to 10 Downing Street with Dame Emma Thompson, our celebrity ambassador. Our Charter sets our an evidence-led road map to tackle children's food insecurity and inequalities in obesity and protect every child's right to food.

Former Chair
BiteBack 2030 is a youth-led movement, founded by Jamie Oliver, aiming to revolutionise the food industry and half childhood obesity by 2030. We have realised how our food environment is unfairly flooded with foods that aren't good for us, and we are trying to change that. So far we have been responsible for getting the government to ban junk food advertising, getting a 9 pm watershed on TV for junk food and getting free school meals extended in the May holidays.

Core Group Member
Act4Food Act4Change
Act4Food Act4Change is a youth-led and initiated campaign that mobilises the power of young people to call for a global food system which provides everyone with access to safe, affordable and nutritious diets, while simultaneously protecting nature, tackling climate change and promoting human rights.
Since May 2021, hundreds of thousands of people have signed the Act4Food pledge which brings together people from all around the world to focus on their personal actions as a contribution to large scale change. We also asked youth to vote for our Actions 4 Change which are a list of actions that urge governments and businesses to act boldly and promptly. Youth have voted and in 2022 and beyond we will be taking our voting consultation and working towards implementing the top priority Actions 4 Change.
#iwill is a movement comprised of over 1000 organisations and 700 young #iwill Ambassadors & Champions from across the UK.
They are united by a shared belief that all children and young people should be supported and empowered to make a positive difference on the issues that affect their lives, their communities, and broader society.#iwill is empowering, challenging, independent, collaborative and inclusive – it belongs to everybody.
The #iwill movement is powered by young people and organisations.The #iwill Ambassadors and #iwill Champions, alongside organisations who sign up to the Power of Youth Charter, help ensure meaningful action is taken to support more children and young people to be active citizens.

Advisory Board
EAT Forum
EAT’s advisory board is made up of representatives from academic partner institutions and world-renowned experts from the food service industry, politics, international development, finance, civil society and media.
The breadth of the group illustrates EAT’s vision of cross-sectoral collaboration. It provides strategic advice to EAT’s management on the organization’s research projects, activities and long-term strategy. This includes defining research priorities, ensuring the scientific quality of the food forums, advising on new partnerships and increasing public awareness.
It is chaired by Professor Johan Rockström and meets formally twice a year.

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